X Ukraińsko-Polskie Dialogi Naukowe

For participants

Presentation Templates

The presentation title slide template is available in the links: presentation PowerPoint 4:3, presentation PowerPoint 16:9.

Accommodation Information

Please be informed that all accommodations during the conference will be provided at the Pomorski Hotel, located at: ul. Fordońska 112, 85-739 Bydgoszcz.

More information about the hotel and its location can be found on the website: https://www.hotel-pomorski.pl/index.html

Important deadlines

  • 15.03.2024 - submission of articles and abstracts with notification of participation,
  • 07.04.2024 - extended deadline for submission of articles and abstracts along with registration for participation
  • 30.04.2024 - payment of the fee.


The conference fee is 1200 PLN and includes: accommodation, meals, materials.

The conference fee should be paid to:

  • Account holder: Kazimierz Wielki University Bank: Santander Bank Polska S.A.
  • Account no: 92 1500 1360 1213 6001 8602 0000
  • IBAN: PL92150013601213600186020000
  • Transfer title: DIALOGI 2024 Conference, Name of the participant

Post-conference materials

A post-conference monograph with the traditional "Actual problems of modern science 2024" and a collection of abstracts will be published on the basis of the submitted and qualified articles and abstracts for the "10th Ukrainian-Polish Scientific Dialogues".

Guidance to authors

The volume of the abstract should not exceed one page and the volume of the article should not exceed ten A4 pages.

Formatting of abstracts and articles:

  • margins: left– 3 сm, top– 2 сm, bottom -2 сm, right - 1,5 сm,
  • spacing: single,
  • paragraph: 1,25 сm,
  • style of font: Times New Roman, 12.

Templates for authors are attached: abstract template and article template.